Family Cooking Competitions: Dessert Style

Chocolate River vs. Neapolitan Bombe!

Since my kids are still little and learning to cook. We do teams for our cooking competitions. Big D and Little D were on a team. Well, Mickey and I were the other team.

For this competition we decided to do a dessert one.

We do a $10 limit.

The teams have to come up with a dessert, name and present the dish.

I have a lot of skills in the kitchen so I tend to let the little one I'm teamed up with take the lead. Big D has skills but not as much as I do.

Mickey and I came up with what we are calling the Neapolitan Bombe. It is a Ice cream bombe. Since it's a Neapolitan, we have strawberry and vanilla ice cream. Chocolate is a chocolate brownie layer. We added a cookie fudge layer like in Dairy Queen cakes. Then lined the bottom with peanut butter cups chopped up. Then topped with cool whip and more peanut butter cups on the top.

Big D and Little D make what they called a Chocolate River. It started with Rocky Road ice cream on a bed of broken up chocolate chip cookies. Strawberry syrup drizzled over the ice cream. Then topped with Kit Kat bars, chocolate sprinkles and pearl sprinkles. Finished with mini marshmallows.

Everyone receives a paper with how to judge the competition. On a scale from 1 to 5, we judge the name, appearance, taste and overall experience.

Points are added!

Chocolate River won this competition. 65 points to 58 points!


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