Family Night Idea: Nerf War!

This idea can be a little expensive but you can do it over and over again. Nerf gun war! This is so much fun for everyone.

I do advise that you don't wear thin clothing because close shots will leave a temporary red mark.

The first time we played this. I started dating Big D and wanted to surprise him with a fun family game night. We usually just did game night with board games. This was the first time we did something different. I bought an assortment of guns. Some one shooters to a semi auto gun that needed batteries. It was crazy. About $100 later I was ready.

The first time we played we made forts. We had a 5 minute window to get them up before the fight. The little one expected to be attacked at their forts so we all quickly abandoned them.

Several hours later, we were exhausted. Big D looked like he was attacked by an octopus.

You don't have to spend as much as I did. OR you could spend much more. All you need is the $2-5 one shooter guns that come with 3-5 darts each. I think Dollar Tree might still carry Nerf gun (I'm not sure). We have done war with just our 1 shooters, and it's just as much fun. It's great exercise and you have less clean up at the end. Honestly I think we are still cleaning the darts from the first time. We have over 300 darts used in an evening.

Since the first night we have expanded our armory! We have so many different guns. It is a blast!


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